
Hexagon Dimensions shirt and shorts. Photos in the wilderness by Carolyn

More and more peeps have been blogging about food and glorifying the miraculous kale; and so, one may ask ‘where are the clothes?’ Here’s my gentle nod to the vegetable and trending sets. Now I feel like a leafy blob meets Asian pajamas.

charlie and sushi

Hexagon Dimensions floral shirt

Dad was about to dump the old couch and it was difficult for me to depart with an object which I had attached so many childhood memories with my sister. So I tore out the fabric and made a shirt for myself and a skirt for my sister.

wallowing whale

Hexagon Dimensions shirt, Topman dress shorts

You’re at this point in life where the next decision that you make will determine your future. No doubt it’s terrifying, it’s daunting. I can’t generally speak for all ABCs/Vs, but I feel as though my choices in life have been heavily influenced by the subconscious faith in my culture. Growing up with my sister in a family orientated household, my parents bridged traditional philosophy with Australian values. Although it was not expected, my sister and I have always felt this addiction to make our parents proud. We valued all of what they had done for us, the hardships they had fought through. I love my parents, but I’m at this plateau where I’m dealing with this chaotic battle between my desires and what I ‘hypothetically’ need.  If you’re young and reading this post, I hope you don’t make the same mistake as me. Even if your vocation is on a different tangent from the norm, there’s nothing in life that is so attractive than conquering your dreams.

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early encounters

Hexagon: just a random polygon
Dimensions (noun): an alternate universe or a parallel universe, the latter usually referred to in fiction.